The electric Karts are extremely safe for children of this age. Please see the About the karts page for detailed information about the design and features of the karts and inflatable circuit. The activity is fully contained within the circuit.
Each event is fully supervised and the children are give a safety briefing and driving instruction at the start of the session. Wacky Karts staff will only let them drive when we’re confident they can drive the kart safely.
There is a height restriction of 1.5 metres in force. Safety rules are displayed during the session.
The karts have a speed limiter so we can adjust the speed according to the child’s age and ability. The maximum speed is 6mph. The accelerator pedal also acts as a decelerator which means that releasing the pedal produces immediate regenerative braking. This will bring the kart to a halt safely and smoothly.
Wacky Karts staff
Each Wacky Karts staff member is given thorough instruction in handling and maintenance of the equipment. They are given a checklist of safety procedures based on our risk assessment.
There are normally two experienced operatives at each event. New members of staff will attend a minimum of three events during training where there are two experienced operatives.
Wacky Karts staff can be identified by their outfit.
Risk assessment
We have undertaken a full Health and Safety assessment of all our equipment and permanent venues. For private bookings we will undertake a risk assessment of the premises prior to the event.